понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.


1. Double blockage of an energy center leads to the rupture of the field shell into two or more parts, and this is a 100% guarantee of oncology. Actually, one of the main reasons.

2. An astral sub-population of alien entity (always in cases of tumor). When the "settler" is removed - the tumor immediately disappears.
 3. The use of magical and esoteric knowledge to harm others (witchcrafting, fortune telling, casting the spell, curses, jinxes, summoning the spirits of the deceased, etc.)
 4. An excessive consumption of yeast bread and flesh of killed animals is not a direct cause of oncology, but speeds up the process of dividing cancer cells.

 Let’s analyze each cause separately:
1. Double blockage of an energy center
The human biofield has divided into three parts because of and as a result of the double blockage of the 5th and 2nd energy centers.
Chakra- is an energy center with two cones, in front and in the back. The front is your present, whereas the back is your past. If a person does not like something in the present (resentment, frustration, fear, etc.), the chakra is blocked from the front. If in the past – block appears at the back. The double blockage tells us that person is not satisfied with the present and as well as his past. Depending on which particular aspect of personality is hurt – the corresponding chakra will be closed.
The emotional aspect of each chakra has been discussed in details in previous chapters.
If briefly and overall to describe the most common programs on the chakras, it will look like this:
• a hatred and contempt towards opposite sex (all men are bastards, all women are crazy) - a double block of the 2nd center and an oncology of the genitourinary system.
• a hatred towards people, towards the job, towards life in general - double block of Manipura and stomach cancer.
• suppression and killing in yourself the feelings of love, a ban on love after heartbreak and love suffering (almost normal consequence) – creates a double block of Anahata and lung cancer, AIDS, autoimmune diseases. (The biggest crime is the murder of love in oneself. If this is a case then a person turns into a cancer cell on the body of the Earth. An oncology is sent to him to understand his mistakes.)
• If hatred and aggression are manifested at the verbal level, a person curses all the time, he constantly condemns everyone and talks behind the back non-stop - then he has a block from both sides on Vishudha, and there is a chance of thyroid cancer, throat cancer, goiter, etc.
• In a word - any discontent (uneasiness) with anything causes serious illness. The stronger the emotion, the faster the disease develops. After a person becomes aware of his mistakes, negative programs, attitude, and after eliminating these destructive programs at the mental and astral levels, he recovers and getting healed very quickly. Not only at the level of information and energy, but what is the most important - on the physical plane. In my practice, after precise work on the mental plane and clearing all information fields as well as destiny from all destructive negative information - a huge number of people were cured from oncology.

The next reason for oncology- is the use of magical and esoteric knowledge to harm others.
It is necessary to understand that if a person in this life seems not to pay for his mistakes, sins, crimes - then in the next incarnation he still has to answer for everything. If the child is born already sick, has an oncology or an incurable disease, please do not rush to curse the fate and blame the God, for the fact that he could allow such injustice. You do not know whom they were in previous incarnation and how many people they have caused suffering.
For example liars, politicians, tyrants, leaders, criminals, maniacs, rapists, murderers (not only people but also animals murders), sorcerers, witches – they all will necessarily have to pay off in the next incarnations with a price like oncology, ugliness, incurable diseases and other troubles in destiny. Any tumor growth for sure has an astral-mental plane. Therefore, we must ask for forgiveness for all card reading, invoking the spirits and other magical rituals. The oncology program is basically a programmed living entity.
This destructive entity is being integrated into the human's field shell and begins to "devour" the human entity.
 At the sensory level, it is usually perceived as a cold funnel that draws in itself the energy-information potential of the patient. Gradually, the patient's energy centers stop working properly. The connection with the Earth breaks down. When stopping participation in the normal energy information exchange, the patient who has the oncology program becomes an energy vampire. The possibility of the future death involuntarily provokes others to empathize and feel sorry for  such a tragedy.
Later this leads to the replication of the program for all sympathizers. Doctors prefer to keep silent about the cases of spontaneous recovery of patients with oncology occurring even at the last stage. And there are many similar cases. The patient is told to go home to die. Meanwhile, he refuses to take painkillers, stays in bed at home and thinking of his entire life. He recalls all the small details, accepts all mistakes that he has ever done, asks silently about forgiveness and truly repents. While this happening the information fields are being restored, everything that has ever been affected by this person is getting back to norm. This is the most optimal way of working off karma, as a sum of mistakes.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans

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