понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.

Positive and negative qualities of energy centers.

1st Center- is fearlessness. An understanding of your cosmic origin, complete tranquility, and peace
about all life issues and problems. This is a center of the basic needs of one’s body: food, shelter, and self-defense.

2nd Center - sexual purity, respect for a woman and a man, lack of lust, lewdness. While maintaining the full presence of sexuality, tenderness, charm, attractiveness, delightfulness, joyfulness, pleasure, bliss. It is a center of receiving all material pleasures.

3 rd Center - determination, goal-achievement, ambition, commitment, absence of anger, acceptance of full responsibility for your own life, leadership qualities, full satisfaction with everything that you have at the present moment. This is the center of power and strength of the spirit.

 4 th Center- is love; the actual ability to experience this feeling. Charity- is an effective help to the needy, instead of inactive sympathy and empathy, co-suffering. All-forgiveness, lack of material attachments and complete spiritual freedom. Freedom to serve the object of love, while experiencing complete bliss. It is a place of the soul in one’s body.

5th Center – creativity; awakening of talents, deep emotions, feelings, experiences. The positive qualities of this center are truthfulness, pleasant speech, the absence of abuse in words, thoughts, and deeds. This is a center of communication, creativity, emotions, feelings, talents.

6 th Center- is continuance in a state of grace to the end; awakening of one’s mind, vision of the cause and effect relationships of karma, visioning the inside plot of things, mastery of the mind and feelings, intuition, clairvoyance, the gift of prophecy, telepathy, and all phenomenal abilities. This is the center of the mind, which gives a person a spiritual vision, intuition.

7 th Center- is the development of spiritual consciousness; the full spiritualization of one's mind, perception, feelings, and even the body. Feeling with your own skin the energy of the highest frequency and pure vibrations- Spiritual, Divine and Holy Spirit. Internal connection with a Higher Power- the Creator. The vision of a spiritual equality of all living beings. Conscious journey into any measurements, parallel worlds, control of downward energy flows. Finding spiritual power, clear consciousness, and transfer of light of spiritual knowledge to others. It is the center of communication and connection with God through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual energy.

Negative qualities of energy centers:

1 st Center: fears, worries, excessive concern, anxiety, greed, propensity to excessive accumulation and saving, attachments to earthly things, not-understanding of your eternal spiritual nature.

2 nd Center: holding negativity against opposite sex (or intimate partner), sexual debauchery, intense lust in the mind and feelings, sexual hunger, fornication, debauchery; Lack of gentleness, tenderness, sexuality, and instead- a full frigidity and total suppression of your sexual nature.

3 rd Center: desire to control others, thirst for power, constant dissatisfaction with a life and overall present situation; a feeling of being humiliated, flawed, sensation of being inferior, the role of a poor victim who wants to become an aggressive tyrant.

4 th Center: suppression of spiritual qualities in: love, charity, service and sincere care. An awakening of the qualities of selfishness - I am God, I am in the center of this Universe, and everyone should serve me. Roughness, toughness of the heart, refusal of self-love, love towards other people, love for the Creator.

5 th Center: spitefulness, badmouth, lies, spreading untruth, gossips, criticism, condemnation, scandals. Suppression of creativity and one’s talents.

6th Center: straight forward and material mind filled with filthy, low-minded desires. Lack of spiritual vision and intuition. And: manipulation of another's consciousness, imposing your own opinion to others, suppression of another's will, zombification, mental pressure on others.

7th Center – pride (hubris), atheism, materialism, godlessness, denial of the existence of a subtle, spiritual world and spiritual energy, blind faith in God with a consumer attitude asking for material wants. Spiritual blindness. Exchange of internal spiritual qualities to an external attributes of the material world in order to take the place of God, instead of collaborating with him.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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