понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.


 Diabetes is on the third place in a list of the most common diseases, whereas only diseases of a cardiovascular system and cancer are in the first two positions. Aretaeus, who is one of the most
celebrated of the ancient Greek physicians, said: "Diabetes is a mysterious disease. This is a terrible suffering, not very frequent among men, dissolving flesh and limbs in urine. Patients just keep secreting water in a continuous stream, as through the open water pipes. Life is short, unpleasant and painful; thirst unquenchable, fluid intake is excessive and disproportionate to the huge amount of urine due to even greater diabetes. Nothing can stop them from taking liquids and releasing urine. If for a short time they refuse to take a liquid, they dry out in the mouth, the skin and mucous membranes become dry. The patients have nausea, they are remain in continuous excitement rush and die very soon».
The nature of this disease is insufficient secretion of a pancreas hormone insulin, which regulates the sugar content (glucose) in the blood. When it is exposed, the excess glucose is converted to glycogen. If the amount of insulin is low, then excess sugar, coming from the outside, is not processed. Its content increases in the blood, and the release of sugar in the urine begins. In a meanwhile, the cells experience an acute energy deficit. The point is that glucose is the main energy source for the cells of the whole organism, but it can only enter the cell with the help of insulin. Modern science and medicine come up with a large number of theories of the development of diabetes: heredity, stress, autoimmune disorders, disruption of carbohydrate metabolism, obesity, etc. Diabetes - is a chronic, incurable disease. This is the final sentence of modern medicine. And how does this disease look on the astral plane?
In 90% of all cases at the energy-informational level, people with diabetes have a configuration of the external field shell looks like:
Block of the 7th center (connection with Absolute), a double block of the 3rd center (power relations) and a general displacement of the field to the right or left (relative to the physical body).
As my practice shows, most often the field is shifted to the right (the syndrome of a “straight 'A's student” and excessive pride). In this case, the pancreas remains without energy and cannot normally perform its functions. Although, I recall several cases where patients with diabetes had the field shifted to the left (anger and resentments), which was automatically causing problems with the liver. Our liver has a daily supply of glycogen, which is made from sugar. In order to maintain its storage, the concentration of sugar in the vein of the liver is much higher than in all other veins. The liver controls the pancreas, how much sugar needs to be produced. A liver that does not receive energy will raise sugar level. The liver does not receive energy for two reasons: 1st - displacement of the external human's field shell to the left, and 2nd - parasites, liver flukes are living in the liver.

90% of people with diabetes also suffer from celiac disease. However, not everyone knows about it, because not everyone knows what celiac disease is about, plus not all diabetics are tested for this disease. Celiac disease- is a hereditary disease, a digestive disorder caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by the certain food products containing certain proteins - gluten (also known as gliadin) and closely related cereal proteins (avenin, hordein, etc.). They are in foods such as wheat, rye, malt, barley and oats.
Celiac disease is also considered an incurable disease in the world due to its unknown etiology. Do not eat bread, cereals, and pasta - and you will be healthy. And why does the small intestine die when consuming these products, and why do some people gluten intolerant, while others are not even familiar with this problem, doctors cannot say. Why? Because they do not know the informational cause of the disease. Well, I have found the real causes of these disease, and discovered ways how to eliminate them. But most importantly, I know how teach a person who wants to get rid of these diseases without external help. The most interesting thing is that all the patients with celiac disease, whom I was working with, were not on any specific diet but were eating as much pasta and bread as their heart desired, and the test had shown that the disease was gone. Yes, and overall well-being has become excellent. One girl, who was diagnosed with celiac disease and weighing 38 kg (83,6 lb.) height of 1,75m (5”9” feet), had the whole bunch of chronic diseases. After our correction, she had gained 15 kg (33 lb.) Already in 2 months, she reached the recommended healthy norm. Her small intestine became healthy very quickly, and the food, at last, began to be absorbed and digested properly, without damaging the internal body. When a person has severe indigestion, all food that he eats turns into poison. And vice versa, when a person's digestive system works perfect, he can almost eat rusty nails and digest them, on top assimilate useful nutrients from them. The statistics of people with celiac disease, who underwent my complete correction, and got rid of this disease is amazing - 90% of 100%. The doctors who referred to perform a second test and saw new test results were pretty much shocked.
 So this is a real fact that almost all diabetics have celiac disease. A group of doctors and I have discovered this in the course of our scientific experiment. Although not all people who suffer from celiac disease have diabetes!
 If we take into consideration these facts:
1. a man is not only a physical body,
2. but also is a multidimensional entity
3. this entity consists of 95% from information,
4. and all diseases always appear first at the information level, - then theoretically one can assume that by bringing the mental and astral plane of a person to the original healthy state , which was established by the Creator (man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator) all diseases must quickly disappear on the mental, astral, and as result- physical plane. This is what to expect after person understands his own mistakes and weaknesses, and voluntarily brings his consciousness to the proper state. But, unfortunately, doctors-materialists do not understand this and deny the above fact. They are working only with a dense body, not seeing the full picture.

• When the field is shifted to the right, the pancreas loses the energy, and cannot function properly.
• When the field is shifted to the left, the liver lacks energy, which also affects the blood sugar level.
• When a foreign entity (among people knows as curse or jinx) settles down in the astral plane of the liver or pancreas, there is a process of energy being aggressively pumped out from these organs. This is another one of the quite common causes of diabetes.
• When Manipura and Sahasrara are blocked, a person has problems with digestive system, which is the most important factor in the appearance of diabetes and celiac disease. After opening all the centers (chakras), restoration of the symmetry of the field shell, removal of alien populations, and cleansing of all the energy channels - diabetes and celiac disease very quickly disappear. Also, the above steps can and will take care of other diseases as well. They will not come back as long as the person sticks to new knowledge and programs. Another important cause for diabetes to appear is a strong attachment to material things. A person thinks only about the accumulation of material things, forgetting about the needs of the soul. And in order to save his soul, he is sent a disease of the body. Just as if he is been told by Universe “You have a serious illness, you can die soon, stop saving money and unnecessary things. Think about the eternal, about the soul, about Creator”. But the man does not understand this, he is standing with one foot in the grave, continuing to think that he did not finish some business, did not buy a new car, and did not finish fixing his apartment and house. The stronger the person is attached to the matter and his body, the more he will be torn off, i.e. to humiliate the body for the salvation of the soul. What do we do when the shirt is sticking to the body? Well, we have to take it off. Right? And what if it is completely glued? Then it will be very painful. The same situation is with our soul, if it is strongly attached to the body, then it will hurt to tear off. In order to get rid of diabetes, a person needs to reconsider his life, prioritize differently. He has to understand that we take all our knowledge and experience with us into the next incarnation, and all the money and things we have to leave here. The mental plane is rewritten into a new body, and the physical body remains in the ground. Hence, it makes sense to gain an experience and a knowledge, develop abilities and intellect, along with growing good qualities of personality that will ensure you a pleasant birth in the future.
Incredible things are happening after simply communicating with a person and bringing his energy structure to a normal state. After one or two corrections, a person who has a small dose of insulin - 10-20 units, in 90% of cases, throws away insulin medications. He does not need it longer because the pancreas begins to produce insulin. If a person is on insulin medications for a long time, and the dosages are large, then it will not be possible to heal right away. But so far, I had not had a single person who after a full correction, would not lower the insulin dose by at least twice.
What is really fascinating- over a period of couple days. If a person is smart, then after a complete correction he becomes absolutely healthy at the energy-information level. He has now all energy centers opened, clear channels, open meridians. He has a whole field shell. In a word – he is an owner of an ideal health at a subtle plane. But if at tissue and cell level a person has many destructive processes for many years, then it is necessary to take into consideration the inertia of a dense body. So it is just necessary simply wait a little bit until healthy cells are regenerated and tissues are restored. By the way, I teach some of my patients how with the help of extrasensory abilities and mental programming to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration for a quick recovery.
I will not be describing this technique in details in this book, but briefly: it is necessary to place on a sick part of the body a healthy matrix and install a team of rapid tissue regeneration all up to an absolutely new healthy level. For people who have an extrasensory vision and a great mental power, this is not difficult at all. Diabetes and celiac disease are not diseases of the body. Changing the diet, the use of herbs and chemical products do not give a complete cure, and as a rule, only a temporary effect. Full energy-information correction and elimination of all destructive programs guarantees 100% removal of these diseases. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of my private practice. Additionally, it was confirmed by official reports of medical practitioners.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans

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