понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.

Programs that open energy centers

 7th Center – connection with the Heavenly Father I am aware of the existence of Higher Intelligence, the Higher Spiritual Energy. I choose and make a conscious decision to stay in the flow of this Energy
all the time. (Imagine a light pillar of Spiritual, Divine energy overhead. Imagine how it fills  your body with itself, while you are remaining in complete relaxation and experiencing a total freedom from any anxiety, worries, and concerns). I eliminate all external and internal blockages of connection with the Creator and am united directly with Absolute. No one can be on a way of me remaining continuously in the flow of Cosmic and Spiritual Energy.

6 the Center – intuition. I make a conscious decision to stay in the intuitive channel all the time. I discover and use my "third eye" (imagine how the center between your eyebrows opens up and the beam of bright light comes out). I go out into the Earth's informational field and I make a decision more to feel this world instead of trying logically analyze it.

5 th Center – communication, emotions, creativity. I free my memory from all negative emotions, arguments, rumors, critique. I separate the information from its improper media source. I take in an useful information only. All the negative emotions, which this information includes- I do not accept and do not store in the archive of personal memory. An improper and careless behavior of a person I will turn into useful information about this person. Now I know what this person is about and from now on, I will build relationships with him based on his behavior. "Everything that a person says about others, it's all he talks about himself."

4 th Center – love, compassion, charity, graciousness. I thank all the people who have crossed my path for the priceless lessons they have taught me. "I have neither friends, nor enemies, but- my teachers." Imagine that there is a backpack with stones behind you. These stones symbolize all your wounds, hurt feelings and pain. Mentally throw it off your shoulders. Store no longer resentment and mental wounds in your memory and from now on look at all situations in your life, as they are all needed lessons for evolving my ability to love. Feel, as there is a love energy streaming out of your heart to all living beings of this world.

3 rd Center – power, situation in life, social status. I let go of the desire to control the surrounding world and people. Instead, I will control myself, so anyone who is going to look at me would desire to change for the better. I am completely content with my status in society, my place under the Sun, my job, my income, my friends. I take a full responsibility for my life and myself. I am the cause of everything that happens to me. I stand at the start line of my life and new possibilities. I have the whole life in front of me. The best is yet to come. Feel with your heart great enthusiasm, desire to live, act and create. Awaken a true leadership skills in yourself: responsibility, commitment, determination, enthusiasm.

2 nd Center – sexuality, sex instinct. I am aware of the link between my well-being and a proper functioning of the sexual center. I open myself to the flow of sexual energy and make a conscious decision to stay there all the time. I understand that permanently open sexual center does not mean a 24/7 readiness to have sexual intercourse at any convenient opportunity. I comprehend that all my experience with the opposite sex (sexual partners) is positive. I thank all men and women for the lessons I have received from them.
I request all subconscious programs of aggression towards men and women in my family to be neutralized. I love myself and I love others. I accept traumatic situations associated with the opposite sex (sexual partner) as lessons for gaining wisdom. I accept all men and women the way they are.

 1 st Center – survival instinct. I realize that man is a cosmic being. A being who is gifted with numerous opportunities and potential. I am empowered by the Creator Himself. The Universe and everything in it is a product of the Divine will, where love and harmony residing. This means that I have nothing to fear. The fear is unknown to a true believer. All is in God’s hands. I live in an abundant Universe that gives me as much as I need for my existence. Nothing belongs to me. Therefore, I got nothing to lose. So why should I be afraid? I understand that anxiety and fear are destructive programs that I am eager to neutralize. Instead, I am ready to replace them with calmness, and trust the world where I live. I apologize if I ever influence, control and pressure anyone with all my own fears. I understand that a person does not die, but only transit into another dimension. I understand the meaning of life and I know my purpose. I set a higher goal, which gives me energy to move forward. The 1 st energy center opens up in the area of coccyx. The energy channels in the knee area are cleared as well.

 Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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