понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.

How to help a soul I care for?

 The soul of your close person, alive or deceased one, can be under the influence of dark power
structures. While being under the influence of power channels, the life force of the Heavenly Father leaves the soul and the soul is being filled with chilling cold. If your soul wants to help another soul, then it is your duty to help a degrading person who drinks, gets angry, in possession of evil, became very rude, stale, constantly depressed, being cold all the time. It is not him. He is the purest soul. He was originally a pure consciousness, a pure loving soul, but fell under the influence of dark and power flows, dark egregors, and parasitic entities. By saving this soul– you will save yourself. If you feel a burden on your soul, experiencing even a minor chest pain, then this is a sure sign that your soul is in trouble. As soon as you help it, you will become at ease and free.

Practice to help another soul
 1. Align through meditation with the Source of a Life Force, the Father-God.
2. Mentally begin to transfer the flow to another soul through sensations, through meditation. Literally, warm this soul with the warmth of your own soul.
3. Put all your warmest emotions, feelings, all your warmth into the soul of this person.
4. Imagine how the rays of light energy together with spiritual qualities of love and light enter the soul of this person. Picture how the soul connects to the channel of light and remains at this point permanently. 
5. Your strength may not be enough, call for help of the Creator.
6. If you start feeling not well, get body chills, get into tears; if you feel the load and unpleasant sensations will appear in different parts of the body - this means that you are doing everything right and the work with this soul had begun.
7. Gradually you will feel better and better, minute by minute you will become at ease. And when you become at ease 100% it means the soul you just have saved feels the same.
8. If you have magnificent soul strength, then in a few hours you can help a person, and he will come out from under the dark channels. You will save his spiritual nature from the destruction in the lower worlds. But the process can last for days, weeks, months in case if your spiritual strength is very weak. 9. Do not be discouraged. Engage in intensely spiritual practice, prayers, fellowship with holy people, and you build up the "muscle of your soul".
10. In this case, there is a law: "by saving another soul, you are saving your own." This is how it works...
11. Fulfil the Divine Will, live according to Divine programs and in union with the best friend of your soul - the Creator. And you will easily cope with any difficulties and obstacles. If God is with you, then no one is against you.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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