понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.

GETTING RID OF INFERTILITY or how to attract good children

 Causes of infertility:
1. An external blocking - someone from family members or relatives does not want this couple to have children.

2. An outer magical influence – jinx on having children.
3. Family programs on blocking children - if someone in the family was engaged in witchcrafting, this bloodline usually quickly disappears, unless someone stops the program, neutralizes it. (If there is not a single saint in the family, this kind of family is doomed to extinction.) If this sounds like a story of your family, make sure that you become a saint so that your descendants will not suffer)
4. An inner subconscious fear of having children as an imprint in the mind. Raising children is not an easy and complicated task. At the same time, a person consciously desires to have children, although the subconscious mind blocks them. The root of this problem is in negative "samskara" (negative image) that is entered one’s mind. It can come from this or past incarnations.
 5. Incompatibility of parents for children to enter a present incarnation. Parents are not the ones who get to choose children to come to this lifetime, but children from the subtle world choose their parents. However, divorce and change of partner, in this case, is not necessary. It is recommended for both parents to become more pure, harmonious, to develop qualities that are more positive in oneself. Then a line of good souls will stand by to get out through them.
 6. Abortion- is a murder. Repent, let go of the "hanging" children, send them mentally on rebirth. Give yourself a word never again to kill unborn children.
7. Excessive potential of an importance of children. One or both parents are desperate to have children right here, right now. The less you want children - the more likely they are born, and vice versa. We quickly receive what we want when stop wanting.
8. A high pride in both parents. When a couple is very educated and they have many high standard qualities. This couple could carry a lot of inner pride because the way they are. Typically, this kind of couples has a big difficulty to have children. Nevertheless, it can be done through the humiliation of their pride. And vice versa, the simpler the husband and wife, the easier for them is to have children. Don’t believe me? Look around.
9. A program “destruction of the men” - when boys cannot be born, miscarriages occur, or after birth, they die quickly; only girls can be born in this family.
10. A program “destruction of women” - girls cannot be born, and boys are born. The program of the destruction of men or women is a huge subconscious aggression launched by a person himself or by his ancestors. For example, a husband comes home and beats his wife, or cheats on her, or betrays her. That one time a woman with all her heart living a hatred for him. Then she forgets, however this program of destruction is already activated. The thing is that if a woman with all her repentance and forgiveness does not neutralize this program, her descendants will carry it in the future. The same thing applies to men: one strong, sincere, from the heart a splash of negativity, hatred towards a woman - and all descendants will have pay until one of them does not stop this program.

 Programs for removing blocks on bringing children into materialization or How to remove infertility.
 1. I open the output channel of materialization the pure and exalted souls of children through me.
2. Let the children who are most harmonious for our family come through me. (Imagine a channel, a pillar of light from the Higher Worlds, through which the souls of children come into your field.)
3. I remove all internal blocks of fear and rejection of children. I accept children with all my heart and soul into my life.
4. All people and creatures that block the birth channel of my children, take all your programs away from me and recognize your mistakes. I forbid you to influence my destiny and me. I’m cutting off all the negative ties with those people who block the birth of my children.
5. All magical programs, family curses, jinxes, everything that is associated with the lower powers and entities, are removed from me and from all my family.
 6. Let all my family come out from under all existing negative influences.
7. I launch the child's conceiving program when a bright and pure soul should arrive. I forbid the lower souls, the demonic children to go through all my ancestry and me into materialization on Earth.
 8. Only bright, exalted and pure souls come out through me, and those with whom I have karmic tasks to fulfill.
9. I develop humility and remove false pride for the birth of children. I understand that the more ordinary a person I am, the more chances for me to have children.
10. With the power of my spiritual mind, I remove from my ancestry: all subconscious aggression towards men and women, all programs for the destruction of men and women. Imagine the pillar of Spiritual energy above all your ancestors, the column of a pure light, all bad things are burned, all the negativity is removed, all debts are returned, all magical rituals are neutralized. Only the light and love was before you and will be after you.
11. Look with your inner vision, how many children are there in your field. This is how much you have to bring to  materialization by a destiny. Do not be scared if there are many. Previously, 9-10 children in the family were normal, but now 2-3 is more than enough. But never do abortions. You do not even know what kind of torture the soul and mind of child experiences when he is torn in pieces by medical tools in the womb. This is all very strongly imprinted in the mind of a child. Remember that everything in this life must be paid.
12. Imagine very clearly and precisely in your imagination that the souls of children are floating around you, and you easily conceive and give birth to them. There are no blocks. Only light and love are everywhere. And then everything will turn out for you in the best way.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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