понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.


 CHAKRA PLACEMENT: base of the spine.
INTERNAL ASPECT: survival instinct, will.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: adrenal glands.
NERVOUS SYSTEM: coccygeal plexus.
BODY PARTS: feet, bones, colon.
DISEASES: constipation, varicose, obesity, sciatica.
REASONS: fears and its varieties, anxiety, worries, self-doubt, fear of loss, tendency to excessive accumulation. Fear is a mistrust of the world in which you live. On the physical plane, fear causes a block of the root chakra – muladhara. This leads to release of adrenaline into the blood stream, the blood thickens and the blood pressure rises.
Fear- is one of the most destructive emotions. If people are kept in fears, they are easy to manipulate. That is why all day long they show negative news on TV, action movies, horrors. All is for making people fear. Thoughts of fear constantly spinning in our head and literally attract such situations.
Fear of getting sick literally attracts diseases. When we are afraid of something we are drawing a terrible picture in our mind of what can possibly happen. We feed this picture with bad feelings, and then we wonder why this picture becomes reality. Many people always expect something bad to happen. And they receive it, because everything in our life happens in accordance with our expectations.
Trust is a product of a faith. No faith - no trust. Begin to trust in God, yourself, people, and fear will disappear. Only then you will feel completely safe. Fear is unknown for a true believer.
Remember - you create your own world. And this world is the safest place in the whole Universe. Be responsible for your own life. Your world depends on your thoughts. Feel yourself the most protected being in the universe.
Another reason for fear is the attachment to things and material values. You can also be attached to people, to power, to knowledge, to your husband or wife, etc.
As stronger person sticks to his mind - the more he is afraid of losing.
Our mind is built in a way that it literally pervades everything that comes into contact. If the driver’s car were hit from behind at an intersection what would he say? – I was hit. But it was not him who was hit, but his car. But since the mind had pervaded the car, the person identified himself with the car. Every hit of his car will be equivalent to heartbreak.
Mother’s mind has pervaded her children, the wife - her husband, the husband – his wife. The mind is afraid to lose what he is used to, what gives him pleasure. It is necessary to understand that nothing in this world belongs to me. All that I have, eventually I will lose. But if nothing belongs to me, then I have nothing to lose, and if so, then the fear disappears immediately.
An example from my practice (consultation with a patient): woman suffers from severe pain in the coccyx; she walks with difficulty, in addition, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Massage therapy by various specialists does not help. She has to be on painkillers all the time, while doctors cannot really explain anything.
My assessment immediately shows that the 1st center is completely blocked.
- You constantly live in fears, constantly worry about something: for your health, for your children, for the situation in the country, am I right?
 - Yeh, that's right, she replies, - I'm worried about my health so much. My worry is that I would not be able to get well, and there would be no one to take care of me, you know what I mean? Also I worry about my son, he does not have a personal life and he is not settled. I tend to worry about everything with or without a reason.
 - First of all, you must realize that while you are experiencing fear and anxiety, you have no chance to get better. - Change your attitude and the way you look at your disease. Try to get why it is given to you and what exactly you should learn from this situation?
More than that - you must learn to be calm. Have you ever heard an expression: "Fear is unknown for a true believer"? Fear is a mistrust of the world in which you live. When we begin to fear something or worry for someone, we record this event on information field. In addition, every time we experience fear we feed this destructive program with our own energy. By fearing we program our future - we give a direct permission to our own negative thoughtforms to be put into effect.
Anxiety is a destructive program, a thoughtform directed to the future, which eventually materializes in the form of various troubles and diseases.
The root of all fears lies in a lack of simple understanding of the law of reincarnation (reincarnation of the soul). When a person is too afraid of the death and is strongly attached to the body. But if a person understands that: death as we are used to perceiving it does not exist, death is a change of measure, a transition to another dimension, death is inevitable, and one should not be afraid of it, then person automatically loses all fears. After this woman realized that the true cause of her health issues were fears and anxiety, and willingly eliminated these programs from her consciousness, she immediately got rid of strongest back pain, which was bothering her for entire six months.

 Another interesting case on the 1st center. A man who is constantly cold and getting chills. He is experiencing severe numbness in legs plus sore knees. My assessment shows the blockage of muladhara as well.
 - And you, what are you afraid of?- I ask.
 - What do you mean what I am afraid of? I'm currently unemployed. I do not have enough money to support my family. My wife pushes me to get any job and me personally I do not want to work for a penny, I only want a well-paid job. And frankly speaking overall I’m tired of killing myself for my family. I do not see any sense in life. I used to work from early morning till late night. I was always tired, but there was no gratitude in return. I am over it.
- The will to live is an important quality in every person. You gave up, fell into despair, and lost the goal. And now you deal with outcome – experiencing fear, feeling hopeless and meaningless, a block of the 1st center and a whole bunch of diseases.  You are playing the role of a victim. Maybe you should change your attitude, set a very high goal and move towards it? If a person does not have a goal, then he works for the goal of others. The goal gives energy, enthusiasm, creativity, health after all. You need to pause and stop turning as squirrel in a wheel, understand the eternity of your soul and temporary nature of life on Earth. You have received a gift from God - to be born as a person, so thank the Creator with the fruits of your life. Do not inflict violence on anyone and follow your intuition. Develop your talents, serve this talent to all people of the Earth, and feel that everyone loves you and needs you. It’s just the feeling that you are needed and valued already gives some kind of meaning in life and creates energy exchange. Acknowledge that you are something more, that you are life itself. You as a soul are the main sense of this life. Right now, inside of you, there is a God Himself, and also He exists in the heart of every person. So communicate your inner God with God that is in the heart of others. This will be the communication of the Gods. Now tell me if the Gods can be afraid of something? Now focus all your attention and the enlightened state of consciousness on the feeling of the life to its fullness, or on the spiritual warmth that flows from your soul to other souls. You are the stream of infinite consciousness, you are the enlightened being. You are the soul and you are the observer of a life. You are the river of consciousness and attention. Direct this river to fear and you will become fear, your mindflow will begin to create an infinite number of those darkest beings that everyone is afraid of. Direct the river of your consciousness to absolute tranquility, and you will become an ocean of tranquility, become calmer than the Buddha himself, and you will create by your consciousness an infinite number of Buddhas, quiet beings. Willfully draw attention to tenderness, and a very sweet energy will begin to emanate from your body. It will be recognized by others. And you will become gentle, loving and calm. Tell yourself more often that you are a river of consciousness. Where the river runs it brings the corresponding colors. In case if attention flows to the state of tranquility the whole world around you will appear in complete tranquility. You will begin to sense that this world is very calm and only people who are driven by desire for worldly things are in a hurry.  Further, direct the river into the channel of sensation of the state of maternal love and tenderness. There is a possibility that you were lacking exactly these feelings in your childhood. At this moment your mind creates an image within you of a gentle mother who holds you in her arms when you were a cute little baby and nurture you with her love and tender care, putting gratitude and light in your soul. Simply decide right now, in what state of mind do you prefer to be?
 ✓ What do you want?
✓ Where will you direct your attention?
 I become where my river flows, the river of a pure consciousness, or as we say - the soul. The only thing left is up to you- you have to choose on your own where to direct the river and to what state of your inner feelings about this life experience?
✓ What vibrations do I want to radiate?
✓ Which tone, note I want to sound like?
✓ Do I desire to glow?
✓In what primary state do I want to be, before all my thoughts and desires appear?
 After all, it is my primary state- what really matters, the state in which I am all the time. And exactly this state will determine everything in my life! And the choice is always mine.
 • I make a conscious choice and begin to experience all the states that only exist in this world.
 • I stop thinking about life, and start to experience it; I become an emotional feeling of life, a life itself.
 • My ego ceases to separate me and life.
 • I merge with life, I am life itself, and life itself is me.
 • I cease to separate myself from God; my ego does not put frames.
 • God is love and I am love.
 • God is care and tenderness, and I am care for everything and pure tenderness.
 • God is light and warmth, and I am the light for myself and everything that I see.
 • God is the Creator, and I create clear images in my soul and fill all the space around me with them.
 • God is grace, warmth and the Sun. God is a loving Father. From now on I will not be taking and viewing myself separately from God. I am in the Father, I am in God, and the Father is in me, the God is in me.
 • The feeling of unity and inseparability makes me complete and calm.
 • The Holy Trinity is in me, and I am in the Holy Trinity.
 • I have nothing more to fear, I am a river of pure consciousness, and I am the shining love and gentle feeling of this life.
 • Let all beings in all universes be peaceful and happy.
 • Let all people reach ultimate tranquility and peace
 • Let everyone become healthy and happy.
 • Let the whole world vibrate with light and love.
 • I am a glowing soul.
 • I realize that my state of fear feelings cause diseases of the legs and of entire body!
 • So, is my health worth at least one fear?
 • Of course - it's not worth it! I choose health and freedom from all fears and worries!

 After chakra correction and opening of the 1st center, the man’s legs right away got warm. The blood in legs began to circulate more efficiently and energy flowed to the limbs. As result, his knees stopped hurting. Practically all people who are suffering from arthritis and arthrosis of knee joints have 1st center block. The reason is fear, anxiety, and worry for something.
At the same time, gradually the energy stops flowing normally along the meridians and channels, and problems with lower extremities arise.

Nowadays a lot of people are concern about extra weight. And as a health specialist I am curious about energy information reasons of this problem "accumulation of extra pounds" The cause of obesity is the block of muladhara.
To be more specific- propensity for excessive accumulation, greed and fear of losing accumulated assets or anything else.
Medicine and science came to the conclusion that one of the main reasons for diabetes is obesity. Specialists in energy information medicine know that diabetes is a strong attachment of a person to material things.
Person without material attachments will never become diabetic.
The one who is attached to the earthly world and tied to the temporary things - most likely yes.
Is it worth for me to be sick with diabetes because of my greed? Now let all diabetics answer this question. A person creates a program “deficit” in his mind: everything is in need, not enough, I have to save, I cannot give things away. I feel sorry to throw away old things. Let them better lie under my sofa. Maybe someday these things will come in handy, etc.
Our mind determines our physique. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the program of excessive accumulation in our mind and replace it with the program of the Universal abundance. Everyone will have just enough. I receive as much as I give. In my practice there are hundreds of cases when patients after realizing the destructive effect of the programs of fear and greed, voluntarily replaced them with the opposite. This automatically leads to the opening of the muladhara-chakra.
The easy thing, these patients started very quickly to lose extra pounds without any diet.

The disease literally feeds of the frequency of fear. As long as there is a fear, there will be a sickness. When only love and complete calmness come from you, all diseases will "die of hunger", they need food - fears and anxieties, and you do not give them. All darkness feeds on fear. Food for darkness is fear, any fear in any manifestation. If you have a tendency to fear and worry - you are a servant of darkness, servant of the devil, Satan, call it whatever you want. If you frighten others, put them into fear - you are the servant of the devil. You feed the egregore of fear. When a lot of people simultaneously emit fear - this is the creation of dark forces. This force is called the devil in religions.
 REMEMBER: every fear of any kind that you have, any worry and anxiety- all of this is a give-away of your pure soul energy to the universal egregore of fear. You are a thug of the world if you spread fear within yourself and other people!  You need to be eliminated - and the universe does this with the same egregore of fear. This egregore destroys those who feed it.
Why don’t you start to feed the egregore of love from this moment? Just fully understand that you are the one who creates either the Gods of a light or a darkness.
 ✓ When you pray with love and tenderness, you create angels, who help you in your life later on.
 ✓ Be angry, let things annoy you and be afraid- this is how you create demons that will destroy you later on. As you sow so shall you reap. And what do you sow? Simply promise yourself never be afraid of anything, instead feel yourself constantly in the hands of God. Remember the teacher's instruction ‘without the knowledge of your Heavenly Father, no hair from your head will fall’. Do you really think that God will not take care of you? Fear is unknown for a true believer. There is a God’s will for everything. Do not forget about it and never be afraid of anything, and you will never be sick. This is a 100% guarantee for those who desire and wish to get rid of all fears in any manifestation of any kinds. Feed the egregore of love and tenderness. Egregor of joy, light and warmth of the soul. Stop feeding darkness! Just ignore all negativity, all fears. They no longer exist for you.

Ignore the fear of death - death does not exist. Death is a change of a measure. This is a transition to another dimension. This is a journey into a new life! You will die in the old body, in the old world and transit into a better world, isn’t it great? Be happy about the fact that everyone will die eventually including you. And do you know what is going to happen in case if you think this way? When you are not afraid of death, no one can threaten you. Evil people are those who threaten your life. When you are not afraid of death, the evil ones no longer can harm you. Death is one of the names of God. Get rid of the fear of death, fear of illness, fear of loss - and you will start loving everyone, you will become a servant of God. When you are not afraid of death, no one can threaten you.
Evil people are those who threaten your life. When you are not afraid of death, the evil ones are no longer around you. Death is one of the names of God. Get rid of the fear of death, fear of illness, fear of loss - and you will start loving everyone, you will become a servant of God. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE AT LEAST A DROP OF FEAR- YOU ARE A SERVANT OF DARKNESS.
Do not remain in the illusion of your spiritual growth. Check yourself - am I afraid of at least one thing? If the answer is yes- then you are very very far from God, even if you pray for 10-12 hours a day. ENOUGH OF BEING SICK! ENOUGH OF FEEDING FEARS! ENOUGH OF PLAYING THE GAME “FEAR”! PLAY THE GAME “ETERNITY”, GAME “LOVE”, GAME “HEALTH”, GAME “JOY” AND BRING EVERYONE TO YOUR GAME!

Programs that open muladhara:
1. I live in the Universe full of abundance that gives me as much as I need for my existence.
2. I owe nothing; I have nothing to lose, so why should I be afraid?
3. I ask all people whom I influenced and hurt by  spreading the fears for forgiveness.
4. I realize that for a true believer - fear is unknown.
5. I am not afraid of death; I realize that people do not die, but only transit into another dimension.
6. I understand the meaning of life, my purpose. I set a higher goal, which gives me energy to move forward.
7. I am always full of attention; I am an observer of the game of this world. When fear comes to me I am just going to observe it, and definitely not going to participate in its game. When fear is in me, I do not escape and try to run away from it, but I acknowledge it. I conquer fear with my inner calmness and inner stillness.
8. All life is a big play. Happiness is a reward for a wellplayed role on a stage. From now on I will act in a play “my life”. I will observe my own acting. I will get all the applause of the audience and awake the deepest emotions with my acting. I will feel that people who are watching me are eager to feel and experience their life thanks to my acting.
9. And even when I fall down and hurt my knees till the blood, I will still play a role so good and skillfully so people can believe that it hurts me for real. But I will remain seeing only acting skills.
10. I will not reveal the secrets of my acting skills to others, because when spectators recognize the mystery of a magician, they no longer are interested in it.
11. I play a role and only I am the one who realizes that all this is an act. For that, I am the one who carefully observes it from a side. Everyone else - just is watching my Divine play. They stay still in amazement with wide-open mouths from the incredible depth of feelings and emotions that I awaken with a volcanic explosion of my extremely talented nature.
12. God Himself plays through me and performs on the Earth his Divine games.
13. Fear is unknown for a True believer. There is a God’s will for everything.
14. Let the beams of love and warmth come from me in all directions. Let my inner peace and tranquility fill the whole Universe.
15. All the vibrations of fear, the waves of lust and anxieties become a calm surface of the water. Let these low vibrations fall into the lake of my peaceful mind, where there is a diamond of my soul.
16. Only when the water is clear and transparent, I can see my soul at the bottom of the pond. I see my soul as it is a shining diamond. Let me view all the lust of the flesh and anxieties as meaningless in this world where everything is coming and going; for that- it’s temporary. Everything will pass, and I fully understand and accept it.
17. I brought nothing to this world, and I cannot take anything from it. I realize this and I stop creating attachments to earthly things, clogging my body with material, viscous energies.
18. Let my body be filled only with spiritual flow.
19. My mind is pure. It shines like the Sun. I become a light for others. I become a light for myself.
20. I am life itself. I am happy simply because I am. I do not need anything else.
21. I simply AM. This is already the greatest happiness. 
22. Right now I'm directing the river of my consciousness into the state of feeling love, tenderness. My energy biofield begins to vibrate with these light energies.
23. I am the ocean of infinite consciousness. Warm beams of the inner light of my soul emanate from me in all directions.

Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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