понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.


What is death?
Death is the transition of a person to another dimension. A change of measure, this is what death is about. People do not die. People transition to other dimensions. We will never know what death is
about for real. We will only be able to see the death of another person. We will never see our own death. All the subtle bodies of a person transfer over to an astral plane at the time of death. They transition into that dimension where we stay while sleeping. And then, after 40 days, a person should go to prepare for a new birth. This is a dimension where a rewriting of his potential into a new incarnation happens.

If a person is pure materialist, strongly attached to home, relatives and earthly things, then it would be very hard for him to go into reincarnation. He will live on a subtle plane in the same house, will lie down in the same bed, and will sit down at dinner table with everyone. He will cause anxiety to relatives, they will feel him, but they will not be able to comprehend what is happening with their mind. In this case, silently in your mind, you need to turn to deceased one, explain that he has to go into reincarnation, wish him happiness, health, and all the best in the next life and ask him to leave. When a person regrets about the dead ones and their death, he does not let these dead go into the next life - he does not let go of them. And since he does not let go, he must provide food for the entity of this deceased person with his own vital energy. Not only this person has no longer enough energy for himself to fulfill his own plans in life, but also the energy of deceased person begins to influence his life. I know it could sound spooky but even some habits and views with unfinished plans of a deceased person begin to manifest. Very often, a person feeds more than one deceased with his own energy. Sometimes it can be a whole crowd of deceased relatives, acquaintances, singers or some famous people. Basically, it can be any person he has ever regretted the death of. And every year this crowd is growing and growing, and health is getting worse and worse. There are a lot of unresolved problems and unfulfilled plans. Healthy interest for life fades, instead, the feeling of burden and chronic fatigue become regular things.

There is a huge number of different dimensions where a much bigger number of living beings exist. Whether a person believes in the afterlife or not, it does not matter. After death, he will still get there and he will be assured of its existence. If during a lifetime one is a believer, spiritual, pious, aspired to light, to higher worlds, this person would transition there after leaving the physical body. If he believes in Jesus Christ - he will get to his planet if beliefs in Buddha- then to his world, if in Allah – then he will come to Allah, if he seeks Nirvana - Nirvana will be waiting for him. If he believes only in people, relatives, and friends - then he will remain near them on Earth. The direction of our mind and our desires is a law for the Universe. If a person while being alive does believe in neither God nor the devil, he would not get anywhere, remain in limbo. If a person during his life fills up his mind with anger, envy, greed, hatred, commits disgusting acts, he will transition into the worlds of the lower astral, where there is a strong mental pressure on consciousness. The person experiences the strongest mental torment and feels as his head is being jammed and squeezed slowly. Wherever you go - there you will come. If you go nowhere, you will come there. Go in your life towards the light, so that you do not end up in the darkness of ignorance. Sometimes, in my classes, I offer students to show where their deceased relatives, friends, relatives have transitioned to. When they see those dimensions where people experience terrible torments, the first thing they ask is "How they can be helped?"

It can be done quite simply. if you possess the spiritual power of the mind, then there will be enough only one wish from you to this person to turn his consciousness to the Creator, accept Spiritual Energy - the Holy Spirit, repent all his wrong actions and thoughts, and direct his consciousness up into the Higher Worlds. This will be enough to see how he rises up on the column of light. One condition is important: this person really needs to acknowledge and do everything you tell him. Otherwise, he would have to hang out and suffer for a long time. Do not watch action and horror movies. Do not communicate with rude, evil, resentful and ignorant people. Do not even look at them, in their faces. Do not listen to their speech. Everything that you see and hear infuses your mind. Talk to bright, clean, cheerful people who are full of enthusiasm, positive energy, love, and joy. If you are lucky and you meet a real saint on this earth and accept him as your spiritual master, then you do not have to worry about your future. He will lead you where he goes himself. He will gradually make you a saintlike person, filled with light. A divine person goes to God. Think about it: when the time comes, where will you go for an afterlife?

Programs to let go of the deceased:
1. I’m letting go of all regrets about all deceased relatives, friends, people I used to know. I’m letting go of any emotion of a sorrow for any person who passed away.
2. I wish you all happiness, love, health, peace and prosperity in the next incarnation.
3. I ask the Higher Power to direct these souls to the light.
4. Bring your thought to the deceased relative and ask him to leave your energy field and go where he is supposed to go.
5. Imagine that you are cutting off all the invisible ties with people that passed away, that you are not connected to anyone longer, that no one can stick to your field and still your energy.
6. I call upon you, all deceased people who are somehow are connected to me.
7. Go to the dimensions where you are supposed to be.
8. I wish you to receive a new body in which you will be happy.
9. I forbid you to still my energy.
10. Accept the Holy Spirit, and higher energy, and leave towards higher, bright, pure and spiritual worlds. Spirit your mind, turn to the Creator and ask for his blessing.
11. Repent for the sins you have committed, accept Spiritual energy and go into that space and time where you are supposed to be. Enough to remain on Earth and being fed of my life energy.
12. I wish you all the very best. Happiness to you, love and health in the next incarnation, love, and light, tranquility and peace for your souls.
13. My aura is being cleansed from all the beings and entities. I establish protection from the implantation of beings into my field.
14. By regretting about someone’s death I hold this person next to me and do not let him go any further.
15. (Imagine an elevator, a column of golden spiritual energy leading to heaven, into other dimensions. Imagine how all your dead relatives and close people who have left the physical body enter it and rise up along the channel of spiritual energy.)

Thought forms to remove all negative programs.
1. I ask forgiveness for all the violence that I have caused in my thoughts, words, and deeds to people around me.
2. All the inner subconscious aggression in my subtle bodies I transform into the energy of love and light.
3. All my inner aggression, all inner negativity leaves my field and my subtle bodies and turns into a bright field of the purest vibrations.
4. (Picture yourself as a bright incorporeal being, for example, an angel. Separate you from a physical body in your mind, fly above the Earth mentally, imagine yourself in a stream of love and light, and then all internal aggression will automatically go away.)
5. All programs of curses, jinx, wishes of bad luck addressed to me are been removed and turn into oppositeprograms- goodness and light.
6. I wish all the people who ever cursed me, jinxed, wished me harm, to repent and accept their mistakes. I wish them all happiness, love, and health. I ask them to stop wishing me sickness; I am cutting off all ties with them.
7. I become protected by the Higher Power, God and the Holy Spirit.
8. I am completely transparent for all negative influences.
9. I ask forgiveness on behalf of all my ancestors, all my family, for all the evil they possibly caused to the world around them.
10. All the family curses and damage are removed from all my family, from all my ancestors and descendants.
11. Everyone from my bloodline comes out from under all negative influences and becomes protected by the Higher Power and the Holy Spirit.
12. I will never read cards and visit fortunetellers, I will never conjure, curse, wish evil to the world around me.
13. I will never seek help from the lower powers; summon spirits, read plots and books on magic.
14. I use only prayer, meditation and develop the abilities of my mind to comprehend the laws of the Universe and to independent programming of my life.
15. (Imagine the pillar of the dazzling light of the Higher Power, spiritual energy above you. Your aura glows with a bright light, there are no dark spots or negative programs. Put mentally a defense on your aura. "Nothing low or bad can penetrate my energy field, all dark entities, and programs of diseases leave my field forever and it begins to vibrate at the energies of the highest frequency - the frequency of vibration of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual fiery energy. ")

 Nikolay Peichev. Multidimensional Model of Humans 

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