суббота, 18 января 2025 г.

Satisfying the deepst cravings of your inner chick. Chocolatherapy. Karen Linamen

 Lately I've been trying something new whenever chaos, change or crisis threatens to send me on a junk food safari, I've tried hunting for the truth instead. I've been doing this by asking myself three things:

1. Am I experiencing any discernable signs of real hunger? Stomach pains? Fatigue? Growls? Headache? Anything at all?

2. If not, then what am I feeling right now? Sadness? Loss? Stress? What is it? Can I put a name to my emotions?
3. If I close my eyes and imagine myself experiencing different emotion or circumstance, do I hit on anything that makes that craving suddenly feel a little less urgent?  

Pay attention to your answers. 

What are we craving? 
Hope and momentum, definitely. We also crave community and perspective. Sometimes we long for transformation; at other times the thing we need the most is grace. We also desire answers and some sort of context in which to place those answers. Unconditional love is a biggie, as is clarity. 
I'm even learning that sometimes what we're really craving are the resources and knowledge to manage the hormones in our own bodies. There really are hormones at work in our bodies that make us crave junk food. Cravings are not necessary about willpower. Sometimes they are the result of stuff going on in our bodies, meaning what we are really craving might be as basic as more serotonin or less cortisol in our system, or even just a good night's sleep. 

Longing to be known.
Visibility. Next time you feel invisible you could spend an hour with the God who sees us fat or thin, awake or asleep, outpsoken or silent, even born or unborn. There is a God who sees -really sees- you and me. 
If a new acquaintance asked you to share 21 thing about yourself, what would you choose to reveal? Go ahead. Make a list. It's fun. You might be surprised at what makes the list and what doesn't.
Name 3 positive things you can do the next time you feel lonely or invisible that don't involve calories (yoga nidra, meditation, massage).
If someone were to ask you if God sees you, how would you answer?

What kinds of stresses or events make you crave escape? 
Describe 2 of your favorite escapes: 1 that puts on pounds and 1 that's calorie-free.
What do you think about the relationship between escape and faith? Is escape a God-idea, considering he told us to take a day of the week and set it aside for rest and rejuvenation, or does our desire to escape mean we're doubting God's ability to take of us?

Do you ever panic or overreact to something , eat wildly and out of control, then take a second look and realize things are not as bad as you thought? When that happens, do you usually beat yourself up about it or make a mental note to try a different approach next time? 
Ask yourself what would wise person whom you trust say to you if they could. What came to mind? 
When you want to see something from God's perspective, what works for you?

The next time you're stressed out by crisis, change, or chaos in your world, go ahead: Simplify your life. Streamline your stressors. Downsize your house. But keep your world brimming with authentic connections with a community of people you love and know. Really know. 
Do you have any healthy relationships with people you'd love to know better? Do you have any  relationships with toxic or "bad influence" people you should probably spend less time with? 
How can you enlarge your community? Join a small group? Volunteer? What other ideas can you come up with? 
Ask your friends and family 21 things they tell you about themselves. Then listen... Really listen.

You are not the boss of me (towards beloved spouses, children, partners).
Are you using food or weight to make your life feel safer or to control things or even relationships in your life?
If you really can't do anything about a lost opportunity, ask God to help you let go and move on. Begin today to thank God for helping you let go. 

Sometimes we crave change because we are bored. Or hurting. Or just plain frustrated. Sometimes the milkweed looks greener on the other side of the fence. Sometimes the transformation we crave is not into someone we have yet to become but into someone we were back before time and circumstances took their toll. 

stubbron - ps 81:12
capable of going astray - ps 95:10
proud - ps 101:5
blighten and withered ( поблекнуть и засохнуть) - ps 102:4
wounded - ps 109:22
filled with madness - Eccles 9:3
afflicted (пораженный, страдающий) - Isa 1:5
faltering and trembling with fear (трясусь и дрожу от страха) - Isa. 21:4
harboring deceit (затаивающий обман) -Prov 26:24
far from God -Matt 15:8
weighted down with anxieties (отягощенный тревогами) - Luke 21:34 

DO you long for transformation? Tell me about it.
How are you with the whole accountability thing? Как у вас дела с ответственностью?
 Can other people really hold you to making wiser choices when it comes to food or relationships or whatever? Does it make a difference whether their input is unsolicited or you've asked for their help? What qualities would you look for in a person you'd be willing to ask for this kind of help? Могут ли другие люди действительно заставить вас делать более мудрый выбор, когда дело касается еды, отношений или чего-то еще? Имеет ли значение, является ли их вклад нежелательным или вы попросили их о помощи? Какие качества вы бы хотели найти в человеке, к которому хотели бы обратиться за такой помощью?
When was the last time you spent with God without asking hum for anything? Would you like to ask God to show you what worship (поклонение) could really be like?

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