понедельник, 20 марта 2017 г.

Inspired by love and beauty of Alaska - masterpieces caught by Carol Sayre Miller

Holly Trinity?

black bear

always on watch...

an Ermine came to visit!

Belted Kingfisher

Steller's Jay

Common Goldeneye

Debut (eleven)


Fledgling Crow II. How do these [wings] work?

Great Blue Heron

Great Horned Owl



in motion...

Lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata)

Look closely, there are two. At six weeks, the eaglets are nearly as large as their parents. An eaglet can take its first flight 10 to 13 weeks after hatching.

Loon dance

Mallard Drake

Meet Daisy, a mallard hen, that comes to the door and (after some coaxing) eats out of our hands.

Milbert's Tortoiseshell (Aglais milberti)

Moon Jelly

Mosaic Darner (family Aeshnidae)

Northern Blue Butterfly (Plebejus idas)


Pelagic Cormorant (with attitude)

Pine Grosbeak (female)

Pine Grosbeak (male)

Presto Change-o!

Red Breasted Merganser (female)

Red-necked Grebe (winter plumage)

Rusty Blackbird (Male)

namaste, dear friends

love is all around...

Swallows - "more bugs please"
or another Holly Trinity

Time to skedaddle

Tree Swallow

Violet Green Swallow

With love 
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